Kentucky Locations Have Been Named The 'Happiest' Cities To Live In

Laughing Hispanic woman in car holding texting on cell phone

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In a country where the pursuit of happiness is a nationwide aspiration, we're all seeking for the most flawless places to call home in order to ease our everyday worries.

Unfortunately, we're all battling various personal concerns, especially when in comes to economic difficulties as the result of inflation — a common source of stress for more than 83 percent of adults.

According to, there are destinations considered "the happiest cities in America." These interesting locations, distracting from the chaos all around us, hold the key to a more idyllic existence, where chasing happiness can most definitely be considered a way of life instead of a dream:

"As this study aims to illustrate, moving to a certain city may help you be more content. WalletHub drew upon the various findings of positive-psychology research in order to determine which among more than 180 of the largest U.S. cities is home to the happiest people in America. We examined each city based on 30 key indicators of happiness, ranging from the depression rate to the income-growth rate to average leisure time spent per day."

Lexington-Fayette has been ranked the 141st happiest city in the U.S. It is followed by Louisville at number 157.

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